EPIPHANY bis 15.08.2017

Glückliche Freitag Leser!
Heute ist ein Blog mit GESCHENKEN gefüllt .... einige für Gruppen und einige von der Epiphany Event  veranstaltung, die bis zum 15. August läuft.
Ich habe auch ein paar tolle Geschenke bei MOoH gefunden !. Eines der Geschenke ist für Mitglieder der TeleportHub, die 10 L $ zu verbinden ist. Und wenn du in dieser Gruppe bist MOoH! Gibt dir dieses fantastische Maddison Langarmkleid als Geschenk!
Der schöne Schmuck ist von Lazuri. Es ist die Halskette von ihrem Herz zu Herz gesetzt. Dieser Satz ist völlig Farbwechsel durch Berührung, was bedeutet, wenn man ihn berührt, können Sie das Metall, die Edelsteine ​​und die Perlen in viele Optionen wechseln.
Die wunderschönen Hautanfänger sind von 7 Tödlichen S [k] ins und heute benutze ich Mali-Anfänger in Ananas-Ton, und ich benutze die Sommersprossen-Version.
Das Haar ist Loni von der Wahrheit.
Und die awesome aquamarine Augen sind Charm Augen in Abyss Farbe und sie sind vorbeiIkon.
And MOoH! also has a gorgeous Leah dress for members of the FabFree group members. This group has free join.
This gorgeous Leah Strapless Spring dress is a beautiful gift!
With this dress I am wearing the Infinity necklace from the lucky boards at Sn@tch, you do not need a group to click these boards.
And the elegant Bahija earrings are by Indulge Temptation and you can find them at the Twe12lve event in 6 versions. Each version holds a colour change HUD with 10 metal options and endless gem options, so you can adjust the earrings to all your outfits.

Last but not least MOoH!  has these fun black sandals on offer with a 50 % discount at their store. Which means they are yours for just 99 L$! Till July 27th!
My next finds are ALL gifts from the Epiphany Event which runs till August 15th. You do not need a group to get these gifts, just a bit of luck to get into the event and a bit of patience to find all gifts.
I found these Blankline glasses there, too bad the designer did not put any landmark or name inside the folder, so I can't tell you who the generous designer was. Just an idea...could be BlankLine ?
And the gorgeous Abby Bow satin top in beige gold is by Vision. Remember: they are ALL gifts at the Epiphany Event.
The beautiful necklace is a gift by Ersch.
The awesome hair is called Chelia and it is a gift by Analog Dog, you get many hair tone HUDs and the scarf also has a colour and texture change HUD.
And the elegant Bahija earrings are by Indulge Temptation and you can find them at the Twe12lve event in 6 versions. Each version holds a colour change HUD with 10 metal options and endless gem options, so you can adjust the earrings to all your outfits.
The Dreamer Jeans are by Beautiful Dirty Rich. They have a free to join group and there are 4 great group gifts available, these awesome Dreamer jeans are one of the group gifts. They come in system avatar layers but also in many appliers, amongst them Omega appliers.
My next finds at the Epiphany Event are this lovely box of roses by Evani and the lovely pink Birthday Shirt by Azuchi. Both are generous gifts!
And this cool black striped blouse is by Fame Femme and it is also a gift at the Epiphany Event. The gorgeous Minty watches in gold and silver come with matching bracelets and they are a gift by Nova.
The fun Birthday balloons are a gift by Moon Amore.
I also found some gorgeous Yuziki Catwa lip stick appliers by MoMoChuu. They are a gift at the Epiphany Event and so are the lovely Cornelia earrings by Fallen Gods.
Ohh I am so exhausted now...I have to put cucumber on my eyes and get a long rest... good thing is that Fiasco has these Cucumber eyes as a gift at the Epiphany Event.
